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ADHD: What is it?

If your child has difficulty paying attention, is over active and impulsive, it may be that he or she has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, or one of its variations. A few children have difficulty only with attention and organization, but are not overly active. This is known as Attention Deficit Disorder. Other children are hyperactive, but can still focus and concentrate.

Before you can be sure whether your child really has ADHD, an evaluation is required. This includes an assessment of your child, as well as interviews with you and other caregivers such as teachers, childcare providers or grandparents.

If you believe your child might have ADHD, or any of its variations, it's time to get help from an expert in ADHD. This could be a pediatrician, child psychiatrist or someone at a children's mental health centre. If you are unsure where to turn in your area ask your child's physician.

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