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Mornings: Making them more pleasant

Here are several strategies that may help make your mornings a little easier on everyone:

  • It's important to allow enough time in the morning so that you don't have to rush, even if it means getting up a bit earlier than you already do. This will allow you to stay calm and avoid acting stressed around your child.

  • Create a workable schedule and explain it to your child, so she knows what to expect in the morning. For example, let your child know she has to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and leave the house by 7:30 am. It's also a good idea to keep this routine as regular as possible.

  • Build in a little time for your child to play and give her the feeling she can come back to the game later.

  • Try to lay out clothes, prepare lunches and pack up anything else that goes with your child the night before.

  • Try to incorporate some fun into your morning rituals, such as singing songs and just getting a little silly together.

If your child seems tired, reassure him, but explain that he still has to get ready. And as frustrated as you might get, never yell at or physically hurt your child. Lastly, when you drop your child off, let him know that you're not angry with him and make it clear that you are coming back.

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