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Life with the Zap Family

Welcome to Life with the Zap Family! These animated characters help provide useful, friendly messages about parenting. They are also featured on Get Set For Life on CBC.

The Zaps represent a mother, father, baby, toddler and preschooler. You can interpret the baby as a boy or girl - take your pick. Toddler Zap is a girl about three years old. The preschooler, Junior Zap, is a boy about four and a half. Although these characters are called The Zap Family, the messages usually feature just one parent and one child. Thus, single-parent families will find much that applies to their circumstances.

Within this section you have a chance to view the Zap Family and relate to their situations with your own child and family. Everyone viewing the Zap messages will bring their own experiences and viewpoint to them - and everyone gets different things out of them. And that's great, because there isn't any one way to parent.

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