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Home > Who We Are > Professional Education > Professional Education > Children's Mental Health Professionals

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An Institute for Children's Mental Health Professionals

This 3-day institute is intended to provide core training in early childhood mental health services. The training blends current research and best practice in the areas of early childhood development, child psychopathology, parent-child relationships, family eco-systems, screening and assessment and interventions that improve both parent-child relationships and parenting capacity.

The Institute is designed for children's mental health professionals who use both home and centre-based interventions when working with young children and their families and builds on the multidisciplinary nature of the field.

Institute Features:
The Institute provides a rich and engaging learning environment that includes:
  • A training reference guide prepared by experienced Canadian experts in early intervention and children's mental health
  • Evidence based strategies for home and centre-based interventions.
  • References to resources.
  • Diverse learning formats including both large and small group work, expert presentation, case studies, and video analysis.
  • Delivered by a team of Invest in Kids and children's mental health experts.
Institute Goals:
  • To identify intervention strategies linked to best practice
  • To provide training in areas identified as most crucial for best practice
  • To identify programs, resources and tools that support interventions with young children and families
  • To facilitate the integration of new knowledge and skills in participants' own practice of engaging and building effective relationships with families.

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