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My Child
Safety: General guidelines to prevent injury

Injury, not sickness, is the leading cause of death of Canadian children! Most childhood injuries can be prevented with proper information and care. Look at your home from your child's point of view. (Try getting down on your hands and knees, and look around while pretending you are a very curious child.) You may uncover safety hazards that you were not able to see from your adult height. Use the Safety topics on this website to take positive steps toward safety-proofing your home. These topics are a general guide. Always use your own judgement to determine whether you have addressed safety concerns to your own satisfaction.


  • Children grow and learn new things all the time, and therefore safety should be re-evaluated on a regular basis.

  • Parents should always know where their children are and what they are doing - a baby monitor does not replace supervision.

  • Even though you may feel confident that your own children will respect the safety precautions you have put in place, remember, other children who visit your home may not. Be alert when other children are around, to see what else you need to do to make your home safe for all children.

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