My Child Personality: What is temperament? Some babies are more expressive, some more timid. Some are very physically active, and some are more sedate. Some are sensitive to loud noises, while others are not bothered at all. Some thrive when surrounded by people, while others are content to play alone quietly. These differences are what we call temperament, and much of this becomes evident in the first few months after birth. As parents, it is important to recognize the basic temperament of your child, so you can respond appropriately. For example, if your child's temperament is timid, introduce new activities slowly and allow time for him to build up confidence. If your child's temperament is highly active, give advance notice of changes, so she doesn't fly off the handle. And, if your child's temperament is easy-going, remember that even though she copes well, you are still needed - so check in and stay connected. |