Institute 1
Train-The-Trainers: A Curriculum for Training Family
Home Visitors
Invest in Kids has developed a comprehensive curriculum
to recruit, train and supervise family home visitors by public health nurses and other
community supervisors. The curriculum creates an immediate capacity for public health
nurses or others to deliver family home visiting to very high-risk families, where
previously little or no such experience existed. Invest in Kids has customized the
train-the-trainer curriculum for home visiting programs in Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia
and Alberta. This training is now available for all new trainers.
For information on the three-day workshop, please contact Nadia
Hall, Training Specialist, at 416-977-1222 x222.
Workshop #1: Nov 1997
Ontario Workshop #2: Jun 1998
Ontario Workshop #3: May 1999
Ontario Workshop #4: May 2000 |
Manitoba Workshop #1: Jun 1999
Nova Scotia #1: Nov 1999
Alberta Workshop #1: Apr 2000
"Open" Workshop #1: Dec 2000
Institute 2
A Curriculum for Training Postpartum Nurse Home
Invest in Kids has developed a comprehensive
train-the-trainer curriculum to train and supervise nurse home visitors for the universal
postpartum home visiting component of Ontario's Healthy Babies, Health Children program.
This initiative built an immediate capacity in the health units to offer home visits to
every parent of a newborn. Invest in Kids is working on delivering a session for the
Province of British Columbia.
Ontario Postpartum Workshop #1: Sep 1999
Ontario Postpartum Workshop #2: May 2000
"Open" Workshop #1: Mar 2001
Institute 3
A Guide for Professional Home Visiting: A
Strategy for Intervention with High Risk Families
Invest in Kids organized a consortium, led by the Centre
for Health Promotion at the University of Toronto with Ryerson Polytechnic University and
the Hincks-Dellcrest Institute, to create a curriculum that provides intensive training
for those who visit very high risk families, where professional expertise is required. The
first institute was run for Ontario nurses in the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children
program. After the Ontario Institute, Invest in Kids will offer this institute to other
professionals (e.g., psychologists, social workers) from across Canada.
High Risk Training
Institute #1: Nov 2000
High Risk Institute #2: Mar 2000