Essential Components

Early Screening of Mothers and Newborns
Ongoing Monitoring, Assessment, and Referral
Child Centred Programs
Parent-Child Centred Programs
Family Support Programs
Community Development
                Operational Features

Sites and Services

Location: in high risk area
Focus: pregnant mothers and families      with young children
Access: universal
Accessibility: time, location,      transportation, child care, etc.
Services: partnerships and collaboration
Funders: multiple
Site: central and accessible
Outreach: home visiting
Adaptation: to reach most at-risk      families
Range of Services: full
Parent Participation: in design and      provision of the model
Quality: continuous monitoring of quality      of services
Evaluation: ongoing

Team Functioning

Service Providers: multidisciplinary      team
Professional Relationship: training      and mentoring
Hands-on Team collaboration


Child development is the focus.
Ecological or transactional model of child development.
Respect, trust and caring among all participants
Flexible, culturally sensitive services
Built on strengths and protective factors of all participants
Model is experienced as a set of seamless services
Professionalism is highly valued and strongly supported
Parent and community leader participation must be strong and significant
High quality is required for effective services.

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