| | |  | Comfort, Play & Teach Centre:™ Create handouts, activities and resources to help parents and caregivers
learn simple ways to encourage a child's healthy development. |
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| | New Free Parenting Resources from Invest in Kids Invest in Kids has created two new exciting parenting resources in English and French for parents of young children based on the Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to Parenting™ framework – The First Five Years Resource Kit and the Comfort, Play and Teach™ Growth Chart. Invest in Kids is eager to make these resources available to professionals to share with parents across Canada and would like to invite interested community, health and social service agencies to help us do that. A limited quantity of both parenting resources is available at no cost to your agency on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please note that this excludes any shipping and handling charges that may be incurred for further distribution of these resources. Please click the PDF link for more details.

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