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Safety: Kitchen

Here is a basic safety checklist for the kitchen. In addition to the points below, be sure to look carefully around your kitchen for yourself, to see if there are any additional actions you can take to safety proof it for you and your child. But begin by making sure that:

  • Treats are not kept in a cupboard above or near the stove

  • Food and poisonous items are not kept in the same place

  • All appliances are away from the sink - a child may accidentally knock an appliance into the water

  • All knives, scissors and other sharp instruments are kept out of children's reach

  • Pots and pans are on the rear burners, and pot handles are turned toward the back of the stove

  • Hot dishes are placed at the back of the counter, and away from the table edges

  • Appliance cords do not dangle over counter or table edges

  • Placemats are used instead of tablecloths (children can pull on the edge of a tablecloth and topple what is on the table over themselves)

  • The freezer is locked and the key hung out of sight

  • Children under four are not given foods that can cause choking (such as nuts, hard candy, popcorn, whole hotdogs, fish with bones, carrots, whole grapes, hard fruit or chewing gum)

  • Children are supervised when eating (they can choke if they bite off pieces of food too big to chew, or if they laugh, cry or run with food in their mouths)

  • Foam cups and plastic utensils are not used for children - it is easy to bite or break off a piece, risking choking

  • Hot food and drinks are kept away from children - never hold a hot drink or food while holding a child

  • A microwave is not used to heat infant formula or food - it does not heat evenly, and the food or drink may be hot enough in some parts to cause a burn

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