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Work: My child doesn't want me to go

It's natural for young children to want to be with the people they love. When children frequently say, "I don't want you to go to work," or "I don't want to go to day care, or the babysitter's," take their feelings seriously. It can really upset them to know that you are going to work instead of staying with them.

Try to pay close attention to how your child is behaving. If he says these things often, and is still unhappy about being left, it may be a sign that something more serious is wrong, such as a problem with his child care arrangement.

When your child protests about spending time away from you, reassure her that you want to be with her, too, even though it's still necessary for her to go to day care. Tell her the time when you will return and talk about what you will do when you are together.

Plan a special time together. And, make an effort to spend more time playing with your child. Also, ask the caregiver what your child is like during the day. Perhaps even plan a visit so that you can see how your child is doing for yourself.

You may have to discuss making some changes with the caregiver, spend more time with your child until things settle down, or even find a new caregiver if things aren't getting better. Remember that you and your caregiver are a team, working for the best interests of your child, so try to keep in touch regularly.

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