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Home > You're Not Alone > Monthly Survey Results

You're Not Alone
Monthly Survey Results

The holidays and family nutrition

Start Date: 9/23/2003 12:00:00 AM

This survey has been answered by 30 people.

1. Do you find that your family’s regular healthy eating is taken off course by the holidays?
1. Yes
2. No

  • It’s difficult to balance festive food or cultural/family food demands on holidays like Thanksgiving or Halloween.
2. We try to keep my child’s nutrition on track through the holidays by: (check as many as appropriate)
1. Making sure there are healthy snacks available whenever a special meal or ‘festive food’ is around
2. Planning meals that are fun, but still well balanced
3. We have difficulty balancing healthy food all year!
4. Allowing my child to chose some dishes at a meal or help prepare them
5. Other

  • Here’s what works for you and a way to learn new ideas from other parents in next month’s results!

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