A lot of parents discover that there are some difficult challenges involved with the disciplining of children. All kids have moments in which they are difficult to deal with and refuse to cooperate. How parents respond here is going to have a major impact on how kids develop. Over reacting is not a good idea … Read More →
Homeschooled children profit with the strong link between them and the parents. The school age years are when so many attitudes and beliefs are formed that will impact a child for life. Certainly, quite a few influences must be looked at. Reassurance and tenderness can help the child have a better self-worth when they are … Read More →
Importance of your decision If you’re like many parents, you’re feeling some anxiety about the prospect of paying for your child’s college education. Everyone knows that college is important, but it’s also become an agonizing expense for many people. You shouldn’t give up on the idea of sending your kids to college, but you do … Read More →