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Home > My Child > Ages and Stages > 12 to 18 Months

My Child
12 to 18 Months

This is a time when babies make great strides in motor ability such as walking, climbing, stooping and even dancing. They are also learning to talk, although they understand more than they can say. However, remember each child develops at her own pace. At this stage:

Play the Game (130K)

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Baby Zap's First Word
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At This Stage

  • Babies develop amazing dexterity, and by 18 months they will turn the pages of books, stack a few blocks and even hold a crayon and make scribbles.

  • They are also becoming social creatures, but they are still the centre of their world so, although they love to be around other children, they cannot share or play with them yet.

  • During this time, you will hear your child speak her first words, and she will become good at responding to simple requests such as "come" or "go get." She will combine gestures and words to let you know her wishes, and pointing with her index finger is very popular at this stage.

Infants learn by constant repetition and love to play the same games and hear the same stories over and over. You can make a big difference to your child's development by cooperating!

Find out more about what to expect.

Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to Parenting™

To help you to encourage your child's social, emotional and intellectual development, we have created Comfort, Play & Teach: a Positive Approach to Parenting™. This simple approach is built on everyday activities that are part of your daily routine.

What may seem like the simplest and most automatic activities that you do with your child every day - like putting a bandage on a "boo boo", playing hide and go seek, or cuddling with your baby – are in fact among the most important ways parents can help children reach their full potential.

When you comfort, play with and teach your child, you open up a world of possibilities for her. Through simple activities that are easy and natural to do, you encourage your child's ability to learn and to create, to communicate to love and to trust and to approach life with confidence and enthusiasm.

  • When you comfort your child, she learns to feel secure, loved and valued.
  • When you play with your child, he learns to explore and discover the world and his role in it.
  • When you teach your child, she learns how to relate to others, solve problems and communicate.

All areas of your child's development are interconnected and depend on nurturing the whole child. Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to Parenting™ provides a practical and natural way to support your child's healthy development. When you comfort, play with and teach your child, you are encouraging all aspects of his development:

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