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Home > Friends & Supporters > Donors

Friends & Supporters

We wish to acknowledge and thank the corporations, foundations and individuals who have invested in us over the past year. The return on their investment is truly blue chip: a generation of children who can meet life with confidence, competence and enthusiasm!

Corporations & Foundations

Bell Canada
The Lawson Foundation
Scotia Capital
Scott Paper
TD Securities
Unilever Canada

CIBC World Markets Children's Miracle Foundation
Fraser Milner Casgrain
Scotia McLeod
Unilever Foundation

George Weston Ltd.

Capital One Services (Canada) Inc.
Cornerstone 52 Foundation
McCarthy Tetrault
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.

Abraham & Malka Green Foundation
AIC Group of Funds
RBC Foundation
Toronto Hydro Energy Services

Akinai Canada Inc.
CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Company
Degussa-Huls Canada Inc.
Toronto Community Foundation in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Stephens Lowden
Toronto Community Foundation from the Vandewater Charitable Foundation on behalf of PIMG branch of ScotiaMcCleod
UBS Bank

For Battle of the Brain supporters, click here.


K.M. Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Cohen

Nancy Birnbaum & Rod Skelton
Stephen Daub
James Mountain
James O'Sullivan
Brian Porter
Mark Smith
Stephen Walker
Tom Woods

Michael Booth
Margaret Franklin
Deborah Gibson
Stephen G. McGill
Ron Matheson
Ron Myers
Michelle R. Savoy
Riccardo Trecroce
Ross Tyrell
Benoit Vallieres
Marie Vershuuren
Donald A. Wright

Barbara Mitchell Fund

To date, close to $19,000 has been raised in memory of Barbara Mitchell. These funds were given to the "Books for Newborns" program that provides books to new mothers, encouraging them to read to their newborns. This package, containing a nursery rhyme book, a bibliography of appropriate children's books and information from local libraries, is presented to the family in the hospital as a gift. The following people have made a donation to the Barbara Mitchell Fund through Invest in Kids.

John Abell
Richard Currie
Blake Goldring
Jim McGovern
Eliza Mitchell
George Weston Ltd.
The W. Garfield Weston Foundation

In-Kind Donations

Special thanks to those who gave to Invest in Kids through in-kind donations:

ACI Akinai Canada Inc.
Stephen McGill
Rod Skelton
Sim & McBurney
Marie Verschuuren

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