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Professional Education Train-The-Trainer Institute for Professionals Training Family Home Visitors
Purpose: This 3-day Institute will focus on building the knowledge and skills of those professionals training family home visitors. The professional's role as a trainer and content expert is examined simultaneously using a comprehensive curriculum that addresses recruitment, training, and supervision of experienced community people to provide in-home services for at-risk families. The curriculum enhances the capacity for professionals to deliver a family home visiting program.
Audience: The Institute is designed for professionals who train community people to deliver home visiting support to families at-risk.
Institute Features: The Institute provides a rich and engaging learning environment that includes: - A comprehensive manual prepared by experienced Canadian experts in early childhood education, early intervention, child development, home visiting and family support.
- A customization process that allows local communities the opportunity to ensure the manual and training reflect local philosophies, programs, and systems supporting families with young children.
- 20 ready to deliver modules with training plans, activities, and handouts already prepared.
- References to additional information and resources.
- Diverse learning formats including small and large group work, expert presentation, video analysis, and case studies.
- A participatory approach to training trainers and family home visitors.
Institute Goals: - To enhance and develop the skills of those training family home visitors.
- To build local capacity to train family home visitors on an ongoing basis.
- To affirm the importance of training for family home visitors.
- To raise the level of knowledge and skills of professionals that work with at-risk families with young children and the role of a home visitor.
- Affirm the valuable role family home visitors have in the lives of families.
FAMILY HOME VISITORS An Introduction to Family Home Visiting Focus: - Vision, goals and guidelines for the home visiting program
- Services and resources of the host agency
- The beginnings of team building
- Concepts of health promotion, prevention and early intervention
Conducting Home Visits Focus: - The role of the Family Home Visitor
- Cultural sensitivity and understanding of the cultural barriers people face in Canada; strategies to address the issue
- The importance of confidentiality
- Safety issues during home visits
- Strategies for increased personal safety
Components of the Helping Relationship Focus: - The important elements in relationship building, i.e. trust, respect, support, communication
- Steps to communicating effectively and problem solving
- How verbal and non-verbal communication affects relationship building
- Establishment of boundaries and strategies to maintain boundaries
Hard to Reach Families Focus: - Barriers to building a trusting relationship
- Strategies to engage families reluctant to home visiting
- Adolescent parenting
- Key issues faced by teens and supportive strategies
Goal Setting – A Strategy for Change Focus: - What is realistic and appropriate goal setting with parents
- The process of goal setting and planning with families
- Principles of collaborative goal setting
- How to support parents in building their self-esteem
Reviewing Families and Supervision Focus: - The importance of sharing information with the supervisor and the team
- The role of the supervisor in reflective supervision
- What kinds of issues and concerns to bring to the supervisor
- Accurate record keeping
- Signs of a successful home visit
The Prenatal Period Focus: - Components of healthy prenatal nutrition
- Common physical changes during pregnancy
- Physical symptoms/discomforts that require medical attention
- Fetal growth and development
- Strategies for supporting a family during pregnancy
- Lifestyle and environmental issues affecting reproduction and the developing fetus
Postpartum Care and Breastfeeding Focus: - Common physical and emotional aspects of the postpartum period
- Diversity of beliefs and approaches related to the postpartum period and breastfeeding
- Myths, misconceptions and benefits of breastfeeding
- Postpartum care and breastfeeding – a family affair
Attachment Focus: - The meaning of attachment and how it affects child development
- How to recognize whether or not the parent-child attachment is going well
- Promoting a secure attachment
Parenting the Newborn Focus: - Characteristics and capabilities of newborn babies
- Common concerns that parents of newborns express
- Helpful hints to care for a baby in the early months
- Strategies to support a warm relationship between baby and parents
Child Growth and Development Focus: - Developmental milestones in the areas of:
CognitionSpeech and languageFine and gross motorSocial and emotionalVision and hearingSexual development
- Cognition
- Speech and language
- Fine and gross motor
- Social and emotional
- Vision and hearing
- Sexual development
- Planning developmentally appropriate activities
- Importance of language in the early years
- Signs of vision and hearing problems
- Supporting families where there is a child with special needs
Healthy Nutrition for Young Children Focus: - Safe and successful bottle feeding
- Sequence of solid foods
- Behavioural aspects of nutrition
- Strategies for families to meet nutritional needs
Parenting Young Children Focus: - Different parenting styles and their impact on children
- Differences in temperament and how it affects child behaviour and the parent-child relationship
- Understanding and guiding children's behaviour
- Common issues for parents of young children, e.g., fears, aggression, sibling rivalry
- Promoting positive parent-child interactions
Child Health Focus: - Symptoms of illness or poor health
- Appropriate referrals to a doctor or dentist
- Recommended schedule of immunization
- Differences in approaches to childhood illnesses
- Dental care for young children
Injury Prevention Focus: - Safety hazards and safety practices for injury prevention for infants, toddlers and preschoolers
- Tips for home safety
- Tips for safety in an outdoor play area
- Information on product safety
- Tips for talking to parents about child safety and injury prevention
Child Abuse – Recognizing and Reporting Focus: - Definition of and factors contributing to child abuse
- Indicators that a child may have been abused or witnessed family violence
- Documentation of indicators of abuse
- What to do if a child discloses abuse
- Feelings that interfere with mandatory reporting
- Provincial/Territorial child protection legislation
- Reporting procedures and responsibilities
- Supporting a family where abuse has occurred
Family Violence Focus: - The cycle of violence and barriers to leaving an abusive relationship
- Responding and supporting women who are victims of abuse
- Indicators of children who witness family violence
- Review of reporting procedure
Coping with Stress Focus: - Common sources and symptoms of stress
- Ways of reducing, responding to and coping with stress
- How to recognize and cope with the stress of being a family home visitor
Community Resources Focus: - Availability of local community resources
- Services offered
- Local activities, events and cultural organizations
- Role of the family home visitor as part of the network of community resources for families with young children
Recommended Resources: Videos, pamphlets, brochures, guides, books, posters to support the information explored in each module