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Setting Limits: My child won't clean up her toys

Encouraging your child to cooperate and complete chores can sometimes be frustrating. Try to avoid a battle of wills:

  • Warn your child ahead of time - that "soon it will be time to tidy up."

  • Make it into a game or something you do together. For example, "how fast can we get the toys cleaned up?" or "let's put these toys to sleep" - make it something you can enjoy together. Cleaning up doesn't have to be the end of your fun together or the end of play.

  • Encourage your child to participate in making decisions For example, allow your child to choose between picking up the stuffed animals or putting away the blocks. Allowing him to have some choice will communicate to your child that you respect his individuality. If children feel that they have some control, then they are more likely to cooperate.

  • Recognize your child's contribution toward helping clean up and praise her positive behaviours.

  • Remember to set limits and be consistent. It may seem easier to clean up yourself, rather than taking the time to make sure your child participates in chores. However, this creates the risk of encouraging further stalling and delays during clean-up in the future. Be patient and remember that learning to complete chores cheerfully takes a long time.

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