The Power of Parenting
Thursday, 03 December 2020
Emotional Development means the development of a full range of emotions from sad to happy to angry, and learning to deal with them appropriately. This helps build self-esteem and leads to such deeper qualities as sympathy, caring, resiliency, assertiveness and empathy and the ability to rise to life’s challenges.
Typical Skills
Fusses or cries to gain attention from familiar adults, or when attention or toy is taken away from him
Yawns and arches back or turns away when he has had enough interaction or there is too much noise
Shows anticipation and excitement by breathing heavily
Shows he’s not sure (stops cooing and smiling) or he’s afraid (fusses) if a new person moves toward him; turns his head into shoulder of parent when a new person approaches
Stops crying when he hears your voice or caregiver’s; attempts to soothe himself
Emerging Skills
Expresses anger when he cannot get desired effect
May differentiate between mother’s image and his own in the mirror (knows the difference between mirror image and the real thing); turns to see mother’s “real” face
Follows someone with eyes and continues to look at the door when that person leaves the room
- Respond to your baby’s feelings
- Find out the best ways to soothe your baby’s upset or distress
- Feel that her emotions are understood
- Play games like “peek-a-boo” or “Mummy’s coming to get you”
- Use your baby’s name often as you talk to her
- Learn that you leave but you come back
- Become familiar with her own name
- Call out to your baby when he starts to fuss
- Respect your baby’s hesitancy with new people by being close or holding him
- Learn to calm down to the sound of your voice
- Feel a sense of security even in frightening situations