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Comfort, Play & Teach:
A Positive Approach to Parenting™
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Invest in Kids was founded in 1993 by a group of people committed to creating the best possible futures for all Canadian children.

They had become gravely concerned about the growing numbers of children requiring interventions and services of agencies like Children’s Aid.

They wondered about prevention. Were there opportunities to explore?

The work of Invest in Kids began.

Initially, the focus was centred on creating awareness for the critical first 5 years of a child’s development. The most recent brain research supporting the fact that a child’s future was largely mapped by the time they were 5, needed to be communicated widely so strategies could be put into place to better support all those who had a role in influencing the lives of our youngest children.


Our initial focus has blossomed into a comprehensive effort to reach all parents and professionals who work with families and young children with what they need to do their job better. Because right now, the research is clear – they currently do not have the knowledge, skills and confidence to do their jobs well – and the social, emotional and intellectual development of our youngest children has been compromised as a result.

In fact, today, nearly 1 in 3 Canadian children under the age of 6 have a social, emotional or learning problem. That is a frightening statistic. Many of these problems can be related to a lack of positive parenting.

Today, we are at the centre of a national campaign, both creating awareness for this alarming trend in our country and raising the funds to support the solution.

As a national, charitable organization with a mission to help parents become the parents they want and need to be, we have offices across the country: our head office is located in Toronto, Ontario, with provincial offices in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Edmonton, Alberta and Kelowna., B.C.


Invest in Kids is dedicated to helping parents become the parents they want and need to be. By translating the science of parenting and child development into engaging, easy-to-understand, relevant resources for parents and professionals, Invest in Kids aims to strengthen the parenting knowledge, skills and confidence of all those who touch the lives of our youngest children to ensure the healthy social, emotional and intellectual development of children from birth to age five.

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