Capital One and Invest in Kids“Whether through targeted financial services or community involvement, Capital One’s goal is to give people opportunities to reach their potential.” -Rich Fairbank, Chairman and CEO It is these guiding words that drive Capital One Financial Corp., an international financial services company with over 49 million customers worldwide and $105 billion in assets. But Capital One is driven from a social responsibility perspective, too. In 2006, Invest in Kids was honoured to welcome Robert Livingston, Chief Marketing Officer of Capital One Services (Canada) Inc., to our Board of Directors. Capital One has more than generously contributed $75,000 to the development, production and distribution of the First Five Years Resource Kit. By providing mothers and fathers with parenting and child development information that is easy to use and understand, Capital One feels encouraged that it can help create a positive environment for families. It is thanks to relationships like the one with Invest in Kids, that Capital One says they are reminded of how they provide their best service. Capital One’s outstanding $50,000 contribution to the launch of the Imagination Library in Canada, through it’s sponsorship of the program in Stephenville, Newfoundland, Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia and Woodstock, New Brunswick, will give countless youngsters in these communities the opportunity to receive a book a month. Capital One is committed to giving young children the opportunity to be read to, and to read, so that in those critical first five year’s of development, the child can be given a significant advantage toward a successful education, and ultimately an improved quality of life. Also in the Atlantic province, Capital One has sponsored a tour of the Comfort, Play & Teach Centre, commencing in the Fall of 2006. The comfort, Play and Teach Centre creates a physical environment that brings the framework and principles of Comfort, Play & Teach alive for parents and children. By participating in activities together, kids have fun and parents experience how simple, everyday moments can be used to fully support the healthy social, emotional and intellectual development of their child. And Capital One’s involvement continues. They are avid supporters of Invest in Kids’ Battle of the Brains, and began attending this charity fundraiser in 2003. It didn’t take them long to learn the ropes of the competition—in 2004, they won the Battle, and they regained that win again in 2006. We congratulate them on this fine accomplishment! Other support on Capital One’s part involves third-party donations to the “Mommy Marathon” event, and corporate gifts. Through their continuous, diverse and heartfelt support of Invest in Kids, Capital One is indeed giving people - in particular Canada’s youngest children – the opportunity to reach their potential.

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