Canadian Living and Invest in KidsCanadian Living, Canada’s monthly lifestyle magazine and its French language equivalent Coup de pouce regularly feature articles relating to food, fashion, crafts, health, and family advice. It has a rich 25-year history of connecting with readers and a brand so popular that the magazine has now produced a television series. In addition, has been created to represent the magazine online. Both Canadian Living and Coup de pouce are owned by Transcontinental Media, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Transcontinental Group and a leading publisher of quality consumer magazines in Canada. Get Set for Life is a joint venture between Invest in Kids, Canadian Living/Coup de pouce magazines and CBC television. Canadian Living has been supporting this important initiative since 1997, when it recognized that the power of positive parenting was a message that needed to be heard by Canadian parents. A national, multi-media initiative, Get Set for Life harnesses the power of mass media and marketing to get important messages about parenting and child development to parents across the country. Get Set For Life has been growing steadily since 1997 and currently reaches millions of Canadians across the country. As part of the initiative, Canadian Living/Coup de pouce features full page advertisements in their magazines, reaching parents with our positive parenting messages and directing them to the Invest in Kids website for helpful tips. Parents also benefit from receiving informative Comfort, Play & Teach booklets, which have been inserted into half a million subscriber issues each year, for the last 4 years. Most recently, the Helping Young Minds Grow booklet was distributed through the September 2005 subscriber issues of Canadian Living and Coup de pouce magazines. The booklet focused on intellectual development as the foundation for exploration, experimentation, problem solving and thinking about both people and things in a child’s world.

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