Scotiabank and Invest in KidsScotiabank cares about parents and professionals and helping to improve their lives. The bank’s Social Responsibility Report outlines three key areas of support: education, health and social services. They believe, as does Invest in Kids, that early investment yields high dividends. That means investing in children in the key development years of 0-5. Without Scotiabank, Invest in Kids would not have some of the resources it currently offers to all Canadians. Scotiabank and Invest in Kids have a working relationship that dates back 12 years. Since 1994, Scotiabank has worked to make a significant investment in the future health of Canadian society. To this end, they have generously contributed $2.4 million to our work. As the original host of Invest in Kids Day, Scotia Capital raised over $2 million over four years through their trading day efforts. This along with more than $300,000 of support through Invest in Kids’ signature events Battle of the Brains and Celebrity Golf Classic, has contributed to Invest in Kids efforts to reach parents and professionals across Canada. This early support allowed Invest in Kids to create a better vehicle to reach parents and professionals: Today, this site has become the number one non-governmental organization parenting resource in Canada, with approximately 70,000 unique visitors a month. I nvest in Kids is honoured to have both Brian J. Porter, Scotiabank’s Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer, and James O’Sullivan, Managing Director, Head, Mergers & Acquisitions, sit on our Board of Directors. We greatly appreciate the time and effort that they have both dedicated to our charity. Scotiabank’s deep commitment to Invest in Kids and the families and professionals we serve continues—the company has made a financial commitment to extend over the next three years, and will be looking at funding additional projects tofurther enhance their commitment to help Canada’s children.
