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The Elephant

Action songs are a great way to have fun and get everyone in the family moving around. This is an action song but you don’t need a tune if you don’t know one or…just make up your own…the children won’t notice they will be busy having fun.

The elephant goes like this and that,
This and that, this and that
(walk heavily and stamp your feet)

The elephant goes like this and that
Cause he's so big and he's so fat.
(puff up cheeks and stretch out arms)

He has no fingers and he has no toes
(wiggle fingers, wiggle toes)

Has no fingers and has no toes
He has no fingers and he has no toes
(wiggle fingers, wiggle toes)

But goodness, gracious, what a nose!
(pull hands out from face to make a trunk)

Comfort, Play & Teach™ Message

Comfort: Children feel secure when they hear familiar tunes or poems repeatedly.

Play: The playfulness of the words lets you and your child use your imagination. The more animated you are the more fun this will be for you and your tot!

Teach: Action songs such as this are a great way to get children up and moving. This song also gives you a chance to teach children about body parts likes fingers and toes!

For Ages: 18 months and up

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Content Provided By:
Airdrie Family Services

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