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Speech: Serious stuttering

Many children show some amount of stuttering as preschoolers. However some children have a serious problem needing professional help.

Here are several signs to look for to help you determine if your child has a serious stuttering problem:

  • Repeating parts of a word, like "ba-ba-ba-baby"

  • Facial tics

  • Eye blinks

  • Stamping his feet

  • Holding her breath

  • Avoiding certain words

  • Looks of fear or panic when he is trying to say certain words

  • And lastly, real struggling when talking.

If any of these are happening, it's time to ask your child's doctor to refer you to a speech therapist or speech/language pathologist for an evaluation. For more information, call the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists at 1-800-259-8519.

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